September 13 2025 10 am-4 pm
Longmire Wedding & Event Barn ~~~ 16105 Longmire Rd SE Yelm WA 98597
Show tickets: 10am-4pm $20 ….
half day 1-4pm $10 $$$ at the door
- Bill Burke @bill_burke_knives
- Mike Vagnino @michaelvagnino
- Devin Rodrick @patriotic.forge.2.0
- Pearce Richardson @icarusforge
- David Tuthill @firehorseforge
- Jeremy Yelle @yelles_cutlery
- Salem Straub @salemstraub
- Will Stelter @will_stelter
- Brent Taylor @btaylorbladesmith
- Jayden Simisky @jaydensimisky
- Sara & Henry @360knifeblock
- Joshua Prince @princeworksforge
- Luke Dellmyer @lukedellmyer
- Richard Patterson @pattersonblades
- Sasha Rosenfeld @sea.rose.knifeworks
- Casey Vilensky @LynnValleyForge
- Gabe Fletcher @anchorageforge
- Bill Cottrell and
- Smoke & Fire Forge @smokeandfireforge
- Teton Leather Company @tetonleathercompany
- Andrea Lisch @andrealisch
- Dan Bidinger @bidingerknives
- Troy Klonius @gunstone_creations
- Blade Gallery
- and more to come…
for the closest hotel, stay at the PrairieHotel in Yelm WA, use confirmation #257646